Many of you might remember my little 'pixel day game' i was talking about.
Well.. I'm finally announcing it. It's not done but I've made enough progress to cement it.
Please welcome the newest and greatest addition to the Zenmode collection.
I proudly announce: EDGED!
(unfinished beta footage ^^^ not final product!)
This game will be a twinstick topdown beat-em-up like game, where you use your mighty air strikes to demolish enemies and clear the sky of the deadly red color.
This will be my greatest game yet. I know I haven't made good games before, and that's because my only good games that I have ever made have stayed unpublished, either because I lost interest or scope creep killed it. Sometimes even both.
But now that I have this, basically everything has already been planned. I am in the process of developing it. And soon it will be in your guys hands for all of you to enjoy.
It's my labor of love and it will be debuting on, and I hope you all will enjoy it.
I've already said enough about the game here, and some things might not make the final cut and some things may happen last minute so it's hard to say.
If you are in Stepford's NG Game Dev discord server, you may have seen it since I post frequent updates. I recently also just posted one on Twitter (go follow me).
P.S. if you're wondering about Dux Tycoon, it's on indefinite hold for the time being. I need to finish a few more games before I can have a quick jab at it and make it.
Thank you, Zenmode out.